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Uitnodiging Symposium Gezond Gefokt

25 januari 2023 op Nieuws

Symposium Gezond Gefokt

Wilt u meer weten over de laatste ontwikkelingen in het verantwoord fokken van honden en katten? Kom dan op woensdagavond 15 februari 2023 naar het symposium ‘Gezond Gefokt’, georganiseerd door het Expertisecentrum Genetica Diergeneeskunde. Experts van de faculteit Diergeneeskunde zullen u deze avond meenemen in nieuwe trends en onderzoeken in de genetica en fokkerij van honden en katten. Wij nodigen u en uw leden van harte uit hierbij aanwezig te zijn.

Uitnodiging symposium Gezond Gefokt (


Statement ATIBOX praesidium

20 oktober 2020 op Nieuws

Statement ATIBOX Praesidium

Dear boxer friends, dear members,
We are forced to create this new official ATIBOX channel because our previous webmaster, Mrs. Michelle Csuk, has illegitimately appropriated the original ATIBOX Facebook page.
We also want to warn you that they did the same thing with the official web, seizing of the access keys , and, in fact, illegally appropriating the rights of.
After that, at the Annual General meeting of Atibox which was held on Friday 8th October in Kecskemet, Hungary there was an attempt to oust the Atibox President and Presidium members by the nominated representative and vice president of the BKS Boxer Club for the meeting Michelle Csuk together with Rafa Hernandez Hernando an assessor of Atibox.
As a result of the actions of and the manner in which it was done by Michelle Csuk and Rafa Hernando Hernandez the general assembly made the following decisions;
1. Voted to suspend Rafa Hernandez Hernando as an assessor of Atibox.
2. Voted to remove Michelle Csuk as webmaster and facebook administrator of Atibox.
3. A confidence vote was made stating full confidence in the Atibox presidium.
We also inform you that despite stating in the meeting that she would give the administration rights to the facebook page of Atibox page Ms. Csuk has not supplied these, despite, three requests and has posted two unauthorised posts since being removed as administrator.
The control of the website is in our hands again (with help of the provider), but at this present time the Atibox 'old' facebook page that states ATIBOX ® is a registered Trademark with Reg. No. 018161999 with protection in all European countries, is still controlled by Ms Csuk and the Trademark is registered in bad faith by Mr. Rafa Hernandez Hernando without permission of the association.
Therefore you are kindly invited to follow this page as the only official of the Association Technique Internationale du Boxer.
thank you all for your cooperation
ATIBOX Presidium